The Archetypical Innovation in Sportswear workshop focuses on the redesign of a vintage garment, its actualization in terms of design, material technologies and production processes. The whole experience considered each part of the design process, starting from the marketing strategy, passing through the design and engineering of the product, ending with a deep reflection regarding the communication of the sustainable features at different levels. The outcome had considered the garment development, tackling all the research/ production/ communication steps, with a strong focus on sustainability, innovative technologies and production feasibility.

Role: creation of communication content, branding, creation of a service, creation of customer journey, creation of app and web interface, study of an advertising campaign, study of trends, study of sustainability.

Group members: Anna Baroni, Veronica Busignani, Paola Mazza, Samuele Sanguineti, Matilde Voltolini

Politecnico di Milano 2020